Butterflies and Moths of Southern Vancouver Island--Jeremy B. Tatum



Homoglaea dives



This western moth emerges from the pupa in late summer and overwinters as an adult insect. In addition to looking at the details of the wing pattern, there are two features that might help with identification. The uppersides of the forewings seem, on close inspection, to be sparsely and untidily sprinkled with a few isolated single white scales, concentrated in the reniform stigmata and along a few of the veins, but otherwise apparently randomly distributed. The body (head, thorax and abdomen) of the moth is quite dark, almost blackish, and the cream-coloured antennae (at least in the male - I’m not sure about the female) contrast quite obviously and conspicuously.

The caterpillar feeds in spring and early summer on the leaves of Aspen and doubtless other Populus species.

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