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Joanne Thomson Colouring Pages

Artist Joanne Thomson, whose work has been featured at the Goldstream Nature of Artists Show and the Habitat Acquisition Trust offices among many other places, has kindly allowed her colouring pages of local wildflowers to be distributed here. She hopes may help some who are unable to experience the wildflower blooms in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Skunk Cabbage-Swamp Lantern

Satin Flower

White Fawn Lily

Broad-leaved Shooting Star

Common Camas

Wild Strawberry

Common Vetch

Western Buttercup

Large Flowered Blue-eyed Mary

Western Trillium

Northern Starflower

Fairy Slipper

Coral-root Orchid (spotted and striped)

Yellow Wood Violet

Chocolate Lily

Bicoloured Lupine

Beach Pea / Purple Pea

Red Columbine


Woolly Sunflower
