This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

January 8

2018 January 8


   Scott Gilmore writes from Lantzville:  I spent a long time exploring about a square foot of my backyard on Saturday (Jan 6th) and found more things than I have had a chance to identify yet or even deal with the photographs. The first is a mite from the family Erythracaridae.   I really think it should be called the Candy Cane Mite. The second is a new snail for me, Lauria cylindracea, a European import. And the last is a family of beetle I have never seen before, the Primitive Carrion Beetles, family Agyrtidae. This is Necrophilus hydrophiloides and I found them inside a decomposing squash.


Candycane Mite (Acari: Erythracaridae)  Scott Gilmore

Candycane Mite (Acari: Erythracaridae)  Scott Gilmore

Candycane Mite (Acari: Erythracaridae)  Scott Gilmore

Lauria cylindracea (Pul.: Pupillidae)   Scott Gilmore

Necrophilus hydrophiloides (Col.:  Agyrtidae)  Scott Gilmore


Scott also sends photographs of three spiders.  It’s a bit tricky to identify them, but thank you Robb Bennett for having a go!  Robb has the first two to genus and probably species.  He writes that the third one is a linyphiine linyphiid.  For those unfamiliar with the jargon, this means that it belongs to the Family Linyphiidae, and, within that, to the Subfamily Linyphiinae (sheet-web weavers).


Eratigena (probably agrestis) (Ara.:  Agelenidae)  Scott Gilmore

Xysticus (probably cristatus)  (Ara.: Thomisidae) Scott Gilmore

Ara.:  Lyniphiidae – Lyniphiinae      Scott Gilmore