This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

May 7, morning

2017 May 7 morning


   Annie Pang sends a photograph of a pair of Harmonia axyridis not wasting any time.  This is a very variable species of ladybird, but the black W on the pronotum identifies it as this species.


Harmonia axyridis (Col.: Coccinellidae)   Annie Pang


Mike Yip writes:  Butterflies are still scarce around Nanoose Bay, but I did see a few Sara Orangetips, Western Spring Azures, and Western Brown Elfins. A surprise find was a Hoary (“Zephyr”) Comma at Cross Road – they are usually at higher elevations and Cross Road is probably less than 50 m.


Hoary (“Zephyr”) Comma Polygonia gracilis zephyrus (Lep.: Nymphalidae)  Mike Yip

   Annie Pang sends two spider pictures, and we thank Robb Bennett for his comments and identifications.


Of the first picture, Robb comments: Young orb-weavers / garden spiders, starting to disperse.  They have overwintered in an egg case hidden away somewhere last fall by their dear departed mother.  Likely your spiders are young of Araneus diadematus – a species introduced years ago from Europe and one of the most common orb-weavers in southeastern BC.  Could also be one of our native orb weavers — I can’t tell them apart as juveniles.


Of the second, he comments:  That’s another introduced species — a female [you can clearly see her epigynum (mating apparatus) on her abdomen] giant house spider.  Now Eratigena atrica, formerly Tegenaria duellica.


Araneus diadematus (Ara.: Araneidae)  Annie Pang

Eratigena atrica (Ara.: Agelenidae)  Annie Pang

 Ken Vaughan sends more pictures from Beaver Lake Ponds, April 6.


Leafhopper Hordnia atropunctata (Hem.: Cicadellidae)  Ken Vaughan

Midge (Dip.: Chironomidae)   Ken Vaughan

Ellychnia hatchi (Col.: Lampyridae)  Ken Vaughan

Silver-spotted Tiger Moth Lophocampa argentata (Lep.: Erebidae – Arctiinae)

Ken Vaughan

Jeremy Tatum comments:  Unusual foodplant.  Not sure what it is – Thimbleberry, maybe – but the caterpillar seems to be enjoying it anyway.  Usual foodplant is Douglas Fir.


Ken Found the moth below at his home this morning.


Cyclophora dataria (Lep.: Geometridae)  Ken Vaughan

  Gordon Hart writes:  On May 4 I thought I would check the Pike Lake Substation pond area past the yellow gate. There were lots of  Western Spring Azures, at least 20,  two Sara Orangetips, a Painted Lady, and a fresh Two-banded Grizzled Skipper nectaring on wild strawberry.  [Jeremy comments:  Interesting – that’s also the larval foodplant.]  A Propertius Duskywing flew off before I had a proper look I also attach a picture of a click beetle I saw at Francis/King Park.


Painted Lady Vanessa cardui (Lep.: Nymphalidae)  Gordon Hart

Two-banded Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus ruralis (Lep.: Hesperiidae)  Gordon Hart

Click beetle Selatosomus suckleyi (Col.: Elateridae) Gordon Hart