This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

2024 February 2

2024 February 2

Invert Alert is not yet fully back in operation as we upgrade our computer system, so expect delays (perhaps long ones) for a while.  However, I am able to post a posting today.  I shall let you know when Invert Alert is fully back in operation. Jeremy Tatum

First, a miscellany of creatures from Ian Cooper, starting with a tiny (3 mm) hymenopteran found in a bathroom sink in James Bay January 23.  This is probably a parasitoidal insect from one of several hymenopteran families, most likely (although not certainly) Braconidae.

Perhaps Braconidae (Hymenoptera)  Ian Cooper


Next, a linyphiid spider, Colquitz River Park, January 7.

Sheet-web spider(Ara.: Linyphiidae)  Ian Cooper


Another spider, also from Colquitz River Park, January 7, rather easier to identify, the more familiar Araneus diadematus.

Araneus diadematus (Ara.: Araneidae)  Ian Cooper


A harvestman, Colquitz River Park, January 7:

Harvestman (Opiliones)  Ian Cooper


A tiny snail from Colquitz River Park, January 9, probably Lauria cylindracea.

 Probably Lauria cylindracea (Pul.: Lauriidae)  Ian Cooper


Val George photographed this highflyer moth from the wall of his Oak Bay house on the morning of February 1.

Hydriomena nubilofasciata (Lep.: Geometridae)  Val George

  Thus, this year we have already had, on Invertebrate Alert, two of the to-be-expected early moths, Egira hiemalis and Hydriomena nubilofasciata. What other early moths may be expected at this time of year?  One that comes to mind is the geometrid Phigalia plumogeraria.  The male has handsome bipectinate antennae (which he doesn’t always show). The female, like that of Operophtera and Erannis, is wingless. (It has tiny stubs, useless for flight, instead of functional wings.) In February, if you see a wingless female geometrid, it is most likely Phigalia.