This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

March 27

2015 March 27


   Libby Avis sends some recent photos of noctuid moths from Port Alberni:

Acerra normalis from Feb 25th

Pleromelloida conserta March 11th

Xylena curvimacula March 16th

Xylena nupera March 13th


Acerra normalis (Lep.: Noctuidae) Libby Avis

Pleromelloida conserta (Lep.: Noctuidae) Libby Avis


Xylena curvimacula (Lep.: Noctuidae) Libby Avis


Xylena nupera (Lep.: Noctuidae) Libby Avis




   Jeremy Tatum writes:  On March 14 I showed a photograph of an Orangetip chrysalis.  Here is the same chrysalis today – you can see the wing colour of the butterfly that will shortly emerge.


Sara Orangetip Anthocharis sara (Lep.: Pieridae) Jeremy Tatum


   Barb McGrenere writes:  Mike and I took a walk up the road to Observatory Hill this afternoon (March 26) and saw eight Sara Orangetips on the way up and near the summit; and one California Tortoiseshell basking on the asphalt beside one of the telescope buildings and then basking on the roof over the entrance to that building.


 Gerry Ansell writes:  On a walk up Christmas Hill late this afternoon (Friday March 27), Wendy and I saw our first Milbert’s Tortoiseshell of the year.  We also saw at least four Sara Orangetips and one Cabbage White.