This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

March 10

2021 March 10 morning


   More creatures photographed by Ian Cooper along the Galloping Goose Trail or Colquitz River Park.


Springtail  Orchesella villosa (Coll.: Orchesellidae) Ian Cooper

Woodlouse, Oniscus asellus (Isopoda: Oniscidae) Ian Cooper

Three-banded Garden Slug, Ambigolimax valentianus (Pul.: Limacidae) Ian Cooper

Arion sp. (Pul.: Arionidae)  Ian Cooper

Limax maximus (Pul.: Limacidae)   Ian Cooper

Ian comments:   This is a classic example of a young slug’s markings being more vivid than those of mature, full-sized adults, which are generally more subdued.