This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

2023 May 15

2023 May 15



   Val George writes:  This impressive hawk moth was on the wall of my Oak Bay house this morning,  May 15.


Smerinthus ophthalmica   (Lep.: Sphingidae)   Val George

2023 May 14 evening

2023 May 14 evening


   More invertebrates by Ian Cooper photographed along the Galloping Goose Trail in *Saanich and #View Royal on May 09, 10 and 11.



*Aphid adult and newborns  (Hem.: Aphididae)  Ian Cooper





#Crab spider Xysticus cristatus (Ara.: Thomisidae)  Ian Cooper
#Rhyparochromus vulgaris (Hem.: Rhyparochromidae)
Ian Cooper

*Soldier beetle  (Col.: Cantharidae)  Ian Cooper


 Lophocampa argentata  (Lep.: Erebidae- Arctiinae)   Ian Cooper





Jumping spider (Ara.: Salticidae)  Ian Cooper


2023 May 14 morning

2023 May 14 morning



Jeremy Tatum writes:  There were two moths at my Saanich apartment this morning:




Possibly Eupithecia annulata   (Lep.:  Geometridae)  Jeremy Tatum


Euthyatira pudens   (Lep.: Drepanidae  – Thyatirinae)   Jeremy Tatum

  Here are some invertebrates photographed by Ian Cooper taken along the Galloping Goose Trail in *Saanich and #View Royal on the afternoon of May 09, 2023.



#Spiderlings, probably Araneus diadematus   (Ara.: Araneidae)   Ian Cooper


#Metaphidippus manni  (Ara.: Salticidae) Ian Cooper


#Tibellus oblongus (Ara.:  Philodromidae)   Ian Cooper


#Crab spider Xysticus  (Ara.: Thomisidae)

with snakefly (Rhaphidioptera)

Ian Cooper


*Harvestman  (Opiliones)   Ian Cooper


*Harvestman  (Opiliones) Ian Cooper

2023 May 13 evening

2023 May 13 evening

Some recent invertebrate photographs from Ian Cooper.


Stink bug Chlorochroa sp.   or  Chinavia sp. (Hem.:  Pentatomidae)

   Ian Cooper


Tibellus oblongus (Ara.: Philodromidae)  Ian Cooper


Chaetopsis fulvifrons  (Dip.: Ulidiidae)   Ian Cooper






Coccinella septempunctata (Col.: Coccinellidae)Ian Cooper






image.pngHarvestman  (Opiliones) Ian Cooper





Carpenter Ant, Camponotus modoc (Hym.: Formicidae)

 Ian Cooper


Hover Fly   (Dip.: Syrphidae)  Ian Cooper


Mining bee (Hym.: Andrenidae)  Ian Cooper

2023 May 13 morning

2023 May 13 morning


   Jeremy Tatum writes:  Viewers and contributors will, I hope, forgive me for delays and other deficiencies, while I struggle with a backlog and a few remaining technical problems following the recent “down” of my computer.  It is mostly “up” again now, though there are still a few minor problems.


   Here are some recent moths and a butterfly from Jochen Möhr in Metchosin:


Triphosa haesitata (Lep.: Geometridae)    Jochen Möhr


Hypena decorata (Lep.:  Erebidae – Hypeninae)  Jochen Möhr


Orthosia hibisci  (Lep.: Noctuidae)  Jochen Möhr

Lithophane innominata  (Lep.:  Noctuidae) Jochen Möhr


Mourning Cloak  Nymphalis antiopa  (Lep.: Nymphalidae)  Jochen Möhr

   Aziza Cooper writes:   On May 12, at Mount Tolmie about 3 pm, there was a Painted Lady and one Anise Swallowtail, plus a Cabbage White at the rocky summit. I didn’t see
any butterflies on the reservoir.


  Also on May 12, at Blenkinsop / Lochside Trail, there were four Mourning Cloaks, two Commas  [all but certainly Satyr Commas at that location – Jeremy Tatum], two Cabbage Whites and one Western Spring Azure.


 On May 11, at Goldstream day use area, there was one Satyr Comma,  3 Western
Spring Azures
. At the campground and railroad track





Mourning Cloak   Nymphalis antiopa  (Lep.: Nymphalidae)  Aziza Cooper


Painted Lady Vanessa cardui  (Lep.: Nymphalidae)  Aziza Cooper


Western Spring Azure  Celastrina echo  (Lep.: Lycaenidae)  Aziza Cooper

Satyr Comma Polygonia satyrus (Lep.: Nymphalidae)  Aziza Cooper

   Gordon Hart writes that on  May 7, he saw one Western Brown Elfin on the Panhandle Trail. We almost stepped on it, but it did not stay around for a photo. Also, many Western Spring Azures.


Jeff Gaskin writes:  Bill Dancer tells me that he saw a Western Tiger Swallowtail in his garden on Sherwood Drive (Arbutus/Queenswood area) last weekend on the 6th or 7th of May.


  Presumably as a result of the recent computer difficulties (now, we hope, over) I missed an earlier contribution from Kirsten Mills.  She writes: On May 2nd I went for a walk on Mount Tolmie. I saw 1 Western Spring Azure, 2 Sara Orangetips, 1 Propertius Duskywing, 1 Mourning Cloak and 1 Western Brown Elfin. Here’s a picture of the Mourning Cloak. Here is also the pictures on May 10th at Mount Tolmie of the Red Admiral and California Tortoiseshell that were there.


Jeremy Tatum remarks:  The damage to the hind wings of the California Tortoiseshell looks like damage caused by a bird’s bill.





Mourning Cloak  Nymphalis antiopa  (Lep.: Nymphalidae)  Kirsten Mills


Red Admiral  Vanessa atalanta  (Lep.: Nymphalidae)   Kirsten Mills


California Tortoiseshell  Nymphalis californica  (Lep.:  Nymphalidae)

 Kirsten Mills