This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

March 31

2015 March 31


   Jeremy Tatum sends a photograph of a weevil from his Saanich apartment this morning.  It was identified for him by Scott Gilmore, who writes:  Your beetle is Otiorhynchus singularis (Raspberry Weevil) a native of Europe from the Curculionidae family. The genus is quite common (at least here). There are no native species in the genus, 5 species are known from BC and I have had 4 of them in my backyard. I am not even sure the 5th species is recorded from the island.


Raspberry Weevil Otiorhynchus singularis (Col.: Curculionidae) Jeremy Tatum


   Scott sends a photo of another Bark Louse from the same cedar tree in his Upper Lantzville backyard. The attached picture is of Ectopsocus briggsi (Ectopsocidae family) that he found on March 10th.  Kindly identified by Diane Young.


Bark louse Ectopsocus briggsi (Pso.: Ectopsocidae) Scott Gilmore



   Rosemary Jorna writes, from Otter Point:     There were a half dozen of these bees landing on the damp stones of our path this afternoon. It was good to see them as I have not seen that many yet this spring.  Jeremy Tatum writes:  If there’s anyone out there who can identify it, please let us know.  In the meantime I hope I’m not committing some dreadful blunder in labelling it Andrena sp.



Andrena sp. (Hym.: Andrenidae) Rosemary Jorna



   Bill Katz sends a photo of Coryphista meadii  from that famous garage on Summit Hill.


Coryphista meadii (Lep.: Geometridae) Bill Katz


March 30

2015 March 30


   Gordon Hart writes:  On the VNHS field trip to  the “Mossy Maple Grove”, we found a few invertebrates around and on the ancient moss-covered maples. I have attached a picture of a Monadenia fidelis out for a walk. We also saw the black and yellow millipede Harpaphe haydeniana, and a small brown cylindrical millipede.


Monadelia fidelis (Pul.: Bradibaenidae) Gordon Hart



   Scott Gilmore writes from Upper Lantzville:  On Febuary 14th my son and I found a bark louse nymph on a Red Cedar in our backyard. I learned last year that you can raise some bark louse on Cheerios and that you might end up with adults. I kept the nymph and gave it a Cheerio, some cedar and a moist environment. Most days I would see the barklouse hanging out on the Cheerio eating or grooming. Eventually on March 2nd I found it on the cedar and it was no longer a nymph but an adult. It took a while to get some decent photos (always difficult of things that are around 2mm long). I sent the specimen to Diane Young in Texas who identified it as a male Lachesilla pacifica.  



Bark louse nymph  Lachesilla pacifica

(Pso.: Lachesillidae)

Scott Gilmore

Bark louse Lachesilla pacifica (Pso.: Lachesillidae)  Scott Gilmore



Bark louse Lachesilla pacifica (Pso.: Lachesillidae)  Scott Gilmore


March 28

2015 March 28


   Jeremy Tatum sends three photographs taken today.  He writes:  I am gradually trying to learn to identify our pugs.  Eupithecia ravocostaliata is one of the larger ones, with distinctive markings, and relatively easy to identify – although even it has a look-alike (E.. nevadata).  This one was on the wall of my Saanich apartment this morning.


  In yesterday’s posting, I showed the pupa of a Sara Orangetip with the colour of the wings of the imago showing through.  Sure enough, the butterfly – a male – emerged today.  After photographing it, I took it out to Munn Road, where the caterpillar came from last year.


  Finally, a snail, Cepaea nemoralis, from McIntyre Reservoir.


Eupithecia ravocostaliata (Lep.: Geometridae)  Jeremy Tatum

Sara Orangetip Anthocharis sara (Lep.: Pieridae) Jeremy Tatum

Cepaea nemoralis (Pul.: Helicidae) Jeremy Tatum


   Bill Savale reports two Cabbage Whites from Poplar Avenue, Saanich, on March 27.

March 27

2015 March 27


   Libby Avis sends some recent photos of noctuid moths from Port Alberni:

Acerra normalis from Feb 25th

Pleromelloida conserta March 11th

Xylena curvimacula March 16th

Xylena nupera March 13th


Acerra normalis (Lep.: Noctuidae) Libby Avis

Pleromelloida conserta (Lep.: Noctuidae) Libby Avis


Xylena curvimacula (Lep.: Noctuidae) Libby Avis


Xylena nupera (Lep.: Noctuidae) Libby Avis




   Jeremy Tatum writes:  On March 14 I showed a photograph of an Orangetip chrysalis.  Here is the same chrysalis today – you can see the wing colour of the butterfly that will shortly emerge.


Sara Orangetip Anthocharis sara (Lep.: Pieridae) Jeremy Tatum


   Barb McGrenere writes:  Mike and I took a walk up the road to Observatory Hill this afternoon (March 26) and saw eight Sara Orangetips on the way up and near the summit; and one California Tortoiseshell basking on the asphalt beside one of the telescope buildings and then basking on the roof over the entrance to that building.


 Gerry Ansell writes:  On a walk up Christmas Hill late this afternoon (Friday March 27), Wendy and I saw our first Milbert’s Tortoiseshell of the year.  We also saw at least four Sara Orangetips and one Cabbage White.


March 26

2015 March 25


   Libby Avis sends a photo of an almost full-grown Lorquin’s Admiral caterpillar from her greenhouse in Alberni.  This is astonishingly early for a caterpillar in this stage; at this time of year they would normally be found in their overwintering stage, which is a tiny first-instar caterpillar.  Presumably the combination of greenhouse plus mild winter did the trick. It was feeding on Scouler’s Willow, one of the usual foodplants.


Lorquin’s Admiral Limenitis lorquini (Lep.: Nymphalidae) Libby Avis


   Libby seems to be getting far more moths up there than we do here in Victoria, for she writes:  Starting to get quite a bit of activity at the light now – we`re up to 28 species for March so far, but pretty much the usual suspects:

Lithophanebaileyi, innominata, petulca and georgii

Xylena – nupera,  curvimacula

Egirahiemalis and several crucialis

Acerra normalis, Anticlea vasiliata, Cerastis enigmatica, Ypsolopha falciferella, Pleromelloida conserta (both dark and light versions) and a couple of Zale lunata

Piles of Triphosa, Orthosia (both hibisci and praeses) and numerous Peridroma saucia.

Several Eupithecia including one gilvipennata which is not that common here.