2108 June 15
Jeremy Tatum and David Harris went hopefully in overcast conditions to Eddy’s Storage on Stelly’s Cross Road yesterday, and we did manage to see a few Field Crescents still there. Presumably in sunny weather there will still be quite a few to see there. We also saw an adult Essex (European) Skipper. Next stop was Gordon and Anne-Marie’s house and garden in the Highlands. It was still overcast there and the only butterfly we saw was a rather late Western Spring Azure, which (if it is not the same species as the Holly Blue familiar to David in England) was a lifer for him. The highlight there was a wonderful tea with cookies put on for us by Anne-Marie.
Annie Pang sends a photograph of a Lorquin’s Admiral seen from the underside – plus a pair of Harmonia axyridis ladybird beetles.
Lorquin’s Admiral Limenitis lorquini (Lep.: Nymphalidae)
with two Harmonia axyridis (Col.: Coccinellidae)
Annie Pang
Jochen Möhr has been trying his hand – and camera – at bees, and photographed several. We haven’t managed to identify them to species, though Annie Pang suggests that the first is probably Bombus melanopygus
Probably Bombus melanopygus ( Hym.: Apidae) Jochen Möhr
Unidentified bee Jochen Möhr
Unidentified bee Jochen Möhr
Unidentified bee Jochen Möhr
Unidentified bee Jochen Möhr
Jody Wells sends photographs of two butterflies from Mount Tolmie, June 14.
Propertius Duskywing Erynnis propertius (Lep.: Hesperiidae) Jody Wells
Painted Lady Vanessa cardui (Lep.: Nymphalidae) Jody Wells