This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

2024 April 4 morning

2024 April 4

  More biodiversity from Ian Cooper:

Steatoda sp. Possibly Steatoda bipunctata (Ara.: Theridiidae)   Ian Cooper


Rugathodes sexpunctatus (Ara.: Theridiidae)   Ian Cooper



Female Pimoa altioculata (Ara: Pimoidae) guarding her egg sac.   Ian Cooper

Two Grey Field Slugs in copulaDeroceras reticulatum (Pul.: Agriolimacidae)
Ian Cooper


Millepede.   Class Diplopoda.  Order probably Julida
Ian Cooper


Globose springtail, Ptenothrix sp. (Coll.: Dicyrtomidae)   Ian Cooper





2024 April 3

2024 April 3

  Ian Cooper sends photographs of a variety of insects.  We don’t attempt to identify them to species, since they would all require specialist knowledge, but we are grateful to Dr Rob Cannings who has identified the flies to Family level.   If any viewer can go further with the identification of these insects, please let us know.


  Diptera – Sciaridae          Ian Cooper

Diptera – Sciaridae          Ian Cooper


Diptera – probably Heleomyzidae     Ian Cooper



The next is a crane fly, but not the common and familiar Tipula paludosa.

 Diptera  –  Tipulidae      Ian Cooper


   The next is a hymenopterous insect (wasp) scavenging on the flesh of a dead mouse.  It would be most interesting to know what it is, even just to Family level. We hope that some viewer might be able to help us.

      Hymenoptera      Ian Cooper



Hymenoptera      Ian Cooper

2024 April 2

2024 April 2

   Jeff Gaskin writes:  A Mourning Cloak was at Quick’s Bottom this morning, April 2nd, –  the only butterfly that was there.

Ian Cooper photographed this slug at Colquitz River Park, March 28.  We had wondered whether it might be Arion silvaticus – but Robert Forsyth writes:  “Identifying Arion within each of the subgenera is really risky, or just impossible. Arion silvaticus is not a species that I’ve ever been able to validate as being here. There’s a study that shows that body pigmentation can be affected by diet (although I’m unsure that the dotting on the mantle, typical in A. circumscriptus, is also affected), so ‘traditional’ use of body colour probably doesn’t work. Dissection (or DNA) is needed for determining species with accuracy.”  And after seeing the photograph Robert continues: “It could be, or it could be A. fasciatus. But I also notice that this is a very young slug (judging by the size of the fern fronds; I assume that this is on a Sword Fern). So that may complicate matters further. For example, the large, black Arion is pale and banded when very young (not saying that this is one).

So – while A. silvaticus is a possibility, we shall just label this one, for the time being,  Arion sp.   The tiny insect to the right of the slug’s head is a springtail.


Arion sp.  (Ara.: Arionidae)  Ian Cooper


Ian’s next slug is a little easier to identify.  It is Limax maximus, photographed at Colquitz River Park before dawn this morning, April 2nd.  It has borne several English names, such as Giant Garden Slug, Great Grey Slug (the one below isn’t very grey!) and Leopard Slug.


Limax maximus (Pul.: Limacidae)  Ian Cooper

Limax maximus (Pul.: Limacidae)  Ian Cooper


The next animal is another difficult one.  Dr Robb Bennett writes:   A male linyphiine linyphiid of uncertain genus affinity. Would need some clear images of its pedipalps to make identification progress.


Male linyphiine spider  (Ara.: Linyphiidae – Linyphiinae)   Ian Cooper

2024 April 1 evening

2024 April 1 evening

Gordon Hart, who has organized the monthly Butterfly Counts for eight years, now wishes to pass the torch on, so we need to find someone to organize these Counts, starting this month.  These Butterfly Counts are an important part of the VNHS’s activities, and we very much hope that someone will volunteer, so that the counts can continue uninterrupted.  Please, if you would like to help in this way, get in touch with Gordon (, who will be happy to help you to get started. 

   We all thank Gordon for organizing these Counts for us over the years. He will continue to organize the monthly Butterfly Walks as usual, starting in May.  For details, watch this site and the Victoria Naturalist.


Jeff Gaskin writes:

Yesterday afternoon, March 31st, I went up Christmas Hill and saw my first of the year Western Spring Azure. I saw only one, as well as a Satyr Comma.

2024 April 1 morning

2024 April 1 morning

  Gordon Hart, who has organized the monthly Butterfly Counts for eight years, now wishes to pass the torch on, so we need to find someone to organize these Counts, starting this month.  These Butterfly Counts are an important part of the VNHS’s activities, and we very much hope that someone will volunteer, so that the counts can continue uninterrupted.  Please, if you would like to help in this way, get in touch with Gordon (, who will be happy to help you to get started. 


  We all thank Gordon for organizing these Counts for us over the years. He will continue to organize the monthly Butterfly Walks as usual, starting in May.  For details, watch this site and the Victoria Naturalist.



Gordon writes that on March 31 he saw a Cabbage White along Metchosin Road, and three Green Commas  at his Highlands home,