This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

February 2

2021 February 2


  Jochen Möhr writes from Metchosin:  Finally some life on the wall in the form of two caddisflies.

Libby Avis identifies them as from the Family Limnephilidae, almost certainly Psychoglypha bella.


Psychoglypha bella (Tri.: Limnephilidae)  Jochen Möhr


January 30

2021 January 30


    Jeremy Tatum writes:  I found this Phigalia plumogeraria at the Swan Lake Nature House today.  This is a male – the female has no functional wings and cannot fly.  The male has very nice bipectinate antennae – but this individual was too sleepy to show them.  This is usually one of the first macro moths to appear in the year.  The next one to be expected is probably the noctuid woodling Egira hiemalis.  We look forward to seeing one soon.


Phigalia plumogeraria (Lep.:  Geometridae)   Jeremy Tatum

January 20

2021 January 20


    Two photographs by Ian Cooper from the 9 km marker, Galloping Goose, January 19.

The first is a “leatherjacket” – the larva of a crane fly, most likely Tipula paludosa.


Probably Tipula paludosa (Dip.: Tipulidae)    Ian Cooper

   Next is a running crab spider of the Family Philodromidae.  Dr Robb Bennett says genus Philodromus or Rhysodromus.


Running crab spider  Philodromus/Rhysodromus (Ara.: Philodromidae)  Ian Cooper



Jochen Möhr photographed this micro moth in Metchosin.  We don’t know what it is, although Libby Avis suggests possibly from the large depressariid  genus Agonopterix.


Possibly Depressariidae    Jochen Möhr


January 18

2021 January 18


Here are the results of another night-time foray by Ian Cooper into Colquitz River Park or the Galloping Goose Trail, 9 km marker.


Linyphiid spider (Ara.: Linyphiidae) Colquitz Creek    Ian Cooper

Dark-bodied Glass Snail, Oxychilus draparnaudi (Pul.: Daubebariidae)  Galloping Goose

Ian Cooper

  Brown Field Slug Deroceras panormitanum (Pul.: Agriolimacidae) Ian Cooper


Rough Woodlouse, Porcellio scaber (Isopoda: Porcellionidae)    Colquitz Creek     Ian Cooper


Leopard slug, Limax maximus (Pul.: Limacidae)  Colquitz Creek     Ian Cooper

Also known as Giant Garden Slug or Great Grey Slug


January 17

2021 January 17


   Jody Wells sends a photograph of a Large Yellow Underwing caterpillar from Brentwood Bay, January 16.


Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba (Lep.: Noctuidae)  Jody Wells