This blog provides an informal forum for terrestrial invertebrate watchers to post recent sightings of interesting observations in the southern Vancouver Island region. Please send your sightings by email to Jeremy Tatum ( Be sure to include your name, phone number, the species name (common or scientific) of the invertebrate you saw, location, date, and number of individuals. If you have a photograph you are willing to share, please send it along. Click on the title above for an index of past sightings.The index is updated most days.

2021 December 7

2021 December 7

     There are quite a few moths that spend the winter in the adult state, but most are asleep somewhere and not active.  Among the active macros we are pretty-well restricted at this time of year to Operophtera and Erannis – though I dare say here are a few others that I haven’t thought of.  Here is the underside of Operophtera (most likely brumata) photographed yesterday by Jochen Möhr in Metchosin.



Winter Moth Operophtera (probably brumata) (Lep.: Geometridae)  Jochen Möhr

   Two other species of Operophtera can sometimes be found in December at the Goldstream Park Nature House.

2021 December 2

2021 December 2

    A little late for an “Alert”, but nice pics by Ian Cooper anyway of a spider on the rocks at Clover Point on October 16.  Thanks to Thomas Barbin for confirming Ian’s identification as Terralonus californicusThomas says intertidal zone is typical habitat.

Terralonus californicus (Ara.: Salticidae)   Ian Cooper

Terralonus californicus (Ara.: Salticidae)   Ian Cooper


2021 December 1

2021 December 1

    Apologies to viewers and to photographer – this posting didn’t go out on December 1 – I must have pressed the wrong button.  Jeremy Tatum

   Anne Ashley sends a photograph of a Drumming Katydid on a Graptoveria in her Oak Bay garden this morning.

Drumming Katydid Meconema thalassinum (Orth.: Tettigoniidae) Anne Ashley

2021 November 30

2021 November 30

    Rosemary Jorna sends three views of an isopod from about two metres up a Bigleaf Maple near Kemp Lake yesterday.   Jeremy Tatum and Ian Cooper – neither of whom claims to be an expert! –  after some discussion, believe this is Oniscus asellus.

European Sowbug Oniscus asellus (Isopoda: Oniscidae)  Rosemary Jorna


European Sowbug Oniscus asellus (Isopoda: Oniscidae)  Rosemary Jorna




European Sowbug Oniscus asellus (Isopoda: Oniscidae)  Rosemary Jorna

2021 November 29

2021 November 29

    Jochen Möhr sends photographs of an upper- and an underside of an American Tissue Moth  Triphosa haesitata from his home in Metchosin, November 27.

American Tissue Moth Triphosa haesitata (Lep.: Geometridae)  Jochen Möhr


American Tissue Moth Triphosa haesitata (Lep.: Geometridae)  Jochen Möhr